Sunday, December 30, 2007

A little late

Wishing everyone a merry xmas and a happy New year. New years rsolutions:

1. stick to a diet and lose 25lbs

2. Stay healthy this year physically and mentally


1. My new house I hope everything works out the way we want it to.

Here are afew pics from xmas to share:
Brandon and his puzzels
Devin and his cars
All the Englands acting like goofballs as usual.

Friday, December 28, 2007


Maybe ------- yes or maybe no, we have to put a back up bid on this house tomm. It is in foreclosure and someone has placed an offer but it is not excepted yet. I want to stamp my feet clench my fists and scream I WANT THIS HOUSE I will do all the work rip up the carpets, paint, fix the walls where the bodies went through them lol

Everyone say a little prayer that our offer is accepted over the other for some strange reason and Eric and I have a lot of work to do this spring...........................

The only room that doesnt need work is the kitchen which is surprising they wrote all over the walls crap all over the carpets holes in the walls etc here are a few pics oh and the colors they lived in the crayola box lol
The Kitchen .........
The Family room in lovely Green

The living room love that window above door....
I am not getting my hopes up since we are the second bidder but did I mention I really want this house............

Thursday, December 6, 2007

C is for cookie and that's good enough for me!!!!

Grandma Straut's Recipe

Cookies cookies everywhere, tomorrow is the cookie exchange for the moms group and I made Russian tea cakes grandma's recipe.

My mission if I dared to except it was to make half a dozen cookies for each person attending and half a dozen to share. Thank god only 6 people RSVP. So I then needed to put the said cookies in something I had bought holiday bakery bags but they just weren't doing anything for me so I made this....... I found the template on splitcoast and thought they were perfect some snowflake stamps and some glitter and voila.......

Now the kids are all tucked in bed and I am hear alone so I made these the kids are going to be so excited tomm.

Hope everyone likes there treats..