Sunday, December 30, 2007

A little late

Wishing everyone a merry xmas and a happy New year. New years rsolutions:

1. stick to a diet and lose 25lbs

2. Stay healthy this year physically and mentally


1. My new house I hope everything works out the way we want it to.

Here are afew pics from xmas to share:
Brandon and his puzzels
Devin and his cars
All the Englands acting like goofballs as usual.

Friday, December 28, 2007


Maybe ------- yes or maybe no, we have to put a back up bid on this house tomm. It is in foreclosure and someone has placed an offer but it is not excepted yet. I want to stamp my feet clench my fists and scream I WANT THIS HOUSE I will do all the work rip up the carpets, paint, fix the walls where the bodies went through them lol

Everyone say a little prayer that our offer is accepted over the other for some strange reason and Eric and I have a lot of work to do this spring...........................

The only room that doesnt need work is the kitchen which is surprising they wrote all over the walls crap all over the carpets holes in the walls etc here are a few pics oh and the colors they lived in the crayola box lol
The Kitchen .........
The Family room in lovely Green

The living room love that window above door....
I am not getting my hopes up since we are the second bidder but did I mention I really want this house............

Thursday, December 6, 2007

C is for cookie and that's good enough for me!!!!

Grandma Straut's Recipe

Cookies cookies everywhere, tomorrow is the cookie exchange for the moms group and I made Russian tea cakes grandma's recipe.

My mission if I dared to except it was to make half a dozen cookies for each person attending and half a dozen to share. Thank god only 6 people RSVP. So I then needed to put the said cookies in something I had bought holiday bakery bags but they just weren't doing anything for me so I made this....... I found the template on splitcoast and thought they were perfect some snowflake stamps and some glitter and voila.......

Now the kids are all tucked in bed and I am hear alone so I made these the kids are going to be so excited tomm.

Hope everyone likes there treats..

Friday, November 9, 2007


My new nick name office max - given to me by my husband who thinks he is soooo funny. Wednesday night I went into Jeremy's closet to find his religion books that I believe he was hiding from me so he wouldn;t have to go so rewind about 5 min before I am giving my life history over the phone to a friends husband so he can get me a mortgage so lets say I was running a few min late a lotta min late lol. Ok so as I was looking through the closet bam didn't see or hear it coming the xbox game system was on the top shelf and fell on my head I put my hand on my head and felt a hole. I think I called for Eric and said I need your help I am gonna pass out!!!! fast forward I went to the hospital waited forever The doc said ok I need to close this up she comes walking toward me with a white staple gun WHAT yes a staple gun I think I jumped back and said hold on I think I'm gonna pass out. The doc says you will just hear a click click well I heard click click, click click ,click click I said that's more than one click click. then I got the lovely tetanus shot ouch so yesterday I felt like SHIT today much better but I will have these 3 staples in my head for 10 days yup 10 that's forever to me. I will post a pic later.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Happy 6th birthday to my little boy Brandon Michael. my gosh you have grown up to be such a little man. You are very strong willed. I love the fact that you are so social you would talk to someone in the bathroom lol. Your a cool kid Brando thanks for being you....

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Devin's teachers pulled me aside today and told me to stick around next week and peek through the door. My heart sunk is my kid bieng bad??? No they think he is so cute when they sing and dance and when they do the pledge he is so loud and one word behind everyone. I have to say he is so happy there he has the best teachers.

Today they made apple pie they put cinnamon on the paper it smells sooo good Devin was super excited to give it to me. He has made a lot of friends although he cannot tell me there names, If you ask what thier names are everyone is Devin

Saturday, September 8, 2007

school day's

So we all started school this past week, that's why I haven't blogged about this oh yeah we also started soccer but more about that later.

Well Jeremy started Jr. high this year I feel soooo old. The poor kid gets on the bus at 6:45 yup thats right you heard me aaahhhh. I only have one pic of him in the house because it's just not cool mom. I am a little nervous about the time the bus comes school policy is 3 tardies lunch detention 6 tardy's after school detention - Friday day three I rolled over looked at the clock 6:55 oh shit. let's just say there was lots of yelling running around and driving up the street threw the poor kid out of the car at some random development he wanted to kill me.

Now on to Brandon his first two day's were half day's everything is going great for him he has already made some great friends which he is excited about and even mom made a friend atmeet the teacher day.

Devin started prescool he is officially a big boy he strapped on that diego backpack and put his katekord shoes on off he went see ya mom. I have never seen him so excited and happy. I stayed by the phone at home nervous that they would call and say he had an accident or he's screaming or he is just bieng Devin and telling someone to shutup you idiot. When I arrived at the school I looked through the door he still had that big smile on his face he ran up and hugged me I think he was the only one of my boy's to have this constant smile at school not be nervous and just think he was the shit......

Monday, July 30, 2007


We left Friday morning at 7 A.M. for Valley Forge PA. We had a great time spent lots of money, took some awesome classes and had some great food.
Gigi took us to an awesome scrapbook store on the way home, as if we didn't get enough this weekend. Well I'm off to finish some projects see ya soon.
DSC_0047.JPG45K View Download

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I have been keeping up on this blog that I saw on the news very sad,as a mother who has had to put thier child in daycare with someone I didn't know this really hits home I can't even imagine the pain.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Always getting hurt

This is whathappens when you get too ol to play jk

Anyone who knows us knows that Eric is always getting hurt and getting right back up and doing it again. I do tell him when he is in his 50;s I will be wheeling him in a chair cause his bones are rusted out anyway here are some of the pics from his last injury and that day.

Monday, June 18, 2007


I cant believe its been a month sincr I last blogged. I have been soooo busy with end of the year stuff for thekids at school, Moving up day kindergarten graduation Ice cream socials field day, field trips and everyone in my house has a June birthday except Brandon busy busy.

I can't believe how fast this year flew by a little update for everyone Jeremy is going to the middle school next year very scary Brandon will be repeating kindergarten next year I thought he was young going in and I was right these kids were a year older than him so he will be a pro next year and he is taking it in good stride. My baby (Devin) is going to preschool in Sept. that is if he will get potty trained what a pain. I have been working A LOT but its been good.

I owe a lot of people for helping me recently with my problems Kirstie and her mom I dont know where I would be right now if they never called the doctor for me. Nicole for helping me get back to work and giving me the best job ever she did anything she could to accomadate my life at the time and I owe her.

Well off ro bed must rest for Brans Graduation tommorow.

LOve Tracey

Friday, May 18, 2007

ready set go

this is my latest layout to the challenge here I sat and thought for a while and came up with this awesome pic of Devin being overly cautious with the protective gear. He would start at the top of the driveway and just GO sometimes he makes it sometimes he tips over jumps up and says"I'm OK mom" funny kid

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I have been so crazy busy around here between work ,parties, school functions, remembering who needs what and when. I have been so backed up I am 3 weeks behind on Emily's challenge and I just finished my happy mail project to send to my partner Monica.

In other interesting news last week I should have been voted mother of the year I totally screwed up I mean big time my son Brandon received the good citizen award at school with kids from other classes and they had a breakfast can you tell what I'm going to say next yes that's right I missed it :( I don't know what I was thinking I knew it was his scoop day at school in the afternoon so I never looked at the rest of the stuff on the calender I knew I had to work stop at shoprite for the ice cream for his class etc. so here's the long story......

Brandon Jeremy Devin and I were walking through the school when we passed the cafeteria Brandon said" mom that's where I got to have those donuts with the holes in the middle this morning..... Oh my gosh grabbed him and hugged him saying I'm so sorry Brandon this kid looks at me and says why are you so upset mom? It;s ok I love this kid......

So when I got home I called everyone I could, cried and got it out of my system then went to the dry erase board with every sheet mailed home from school and every calender and marked everything down. YOU BET THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.
Check out the funny face Bran's making he cracks me up.

Friday, April 20, 2007


This is my baby when he was 3.seems like yesterday. He will be 11 soon and he asked us Tonite if he can go to the movies with a girl.... I got butterflies in my stomach.

He is growing up way to fast. He came in my room before and layed down all giggly to tell me he couldn't go to sleep he was to excited, all this and we haven't even decided if he can go. What age do kids start to go places with the opposite sex???? I think I was in the 5Th grade and went to the pizza place with Mike Ferry but I don't really remember much about I think Eric needs to go and sit in the back to watch what goes on. I'll keep you all posted aghhhh .


Well Eric and i finally got out by ourselves for diner, we hit up the good old Red Lobster. For some reason I could not finish anything I had this full feeling that would not go away uggggh.In true Eric and Tracey fashion we took advantage of time alone and did what ??? Food shopped yes that's right food shopping we are so romantic and fun blah, blah blah how boring. I do have some awesome leftovers for tomorrow though, I can't wait. It should be awesome leftovers and then scrappin - stampin all night with the girls. I have stocked up on M&M's brownies and a veggie platter for the health conscious. well have a great night I'm sure i will have some awesome stuff to post tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Brandon's going to a party

Brandon is going to Brylee's birthday on Sunday. His first girl party besides his cousin of course so we wanted to get a special present so I made this at work today I think any little girl would love it.

I engraved the heart with our new font called curltz I love it I have used it on all kids items as soon as I saw it here's a close up and an inside shot. I'm sure we will have a great time at the party. If I hear " mom how many sleeps till Brylee's party one more time I might have to borrow Gigi's post from today with the crop- a-

Monday, April 16, 2007

Emily's week 14


I am not a big bird person and it took me all week to come up with my card. Inspiration found ---driving to work one day I passed the retired animal farm and saw this beauty the color was unreal my picture does not do it justice. So my take on BIRDS is color color color......

week 12 I BELIEVE

Well I believe I have to remind myself quite often so this is a good way I believe in me....

My first attempt at stitching got this awesome stitch kit from ot with patterns and all lovin it.....

challange week 11 my intial

Well week 11 was my initial I have a million nick names over the years some have been retired but here we go.

Tator my sister gave me that why I don't know

Tee from paula and the Gregor

Tricycle from Laurie's ex man

Tray that's what most of my friends call me......


Well last week was spring break, we had one nice day Tuesday so we decided to go to the Bronx zoo
we had a lot of fun after we got through the traffic jam to get in.....
Devin enjoyed his first trip to the zoo and Brandon and Jeremy enjoyed remembering things from the last time we were there. We had to stop and see the monkey's ape's etc they just had babies how cute are they...

I have to share this pic cause I just love the way Jeremy is touching Devin's face It's definably a scrappin page.
After a long and exhausting day we stopped at friendly's on the way home for dinner and some awesome ice cream.


I am completly wrapped up in this challange thanks to gigi. Here is one of my cards "note to self"


I started this blog to display my art let my family and friends share in my day to day happenings and be able to remember things that happened when.....