Thursday, September 27, 2007


Devin's teachers pulled me aside today and told me to stick around next week and peek through the door. My heart sunk is my kid bieng bad??? No they think he is so cute when they sing and dance and when they do the pledge he is so loud and one word behind everyone. I have to say he is so happy there he has the best teachers.

Today they made apple pie they put cinnamon on the paper it smells sooo good Devin was super excited to give it to me. He has made a lot of friends although he cannot tell me there names, If you ask what thier names are everyone is Devin

Saturday, September 8, 2007

school day's

So we all started school this past week, that's why I haven't blogged about this oh yeah we also started soccer but more about that later.

Well Jeremy started Jr. high this year I feel soooo old. The poor kid gets on the bus at 6:45 yup thats right you heard me aaahhhh. I only have one pic of him in the house because it's just not cool mom. I am a little nervous about the time the bus comes school policy is 3 tardies lunch detention 6 tardy's after school detention - Friday day three I rolled over looked at the clock 6:55 oh shit. let's just say there was lots of yelling running around and driving up the street threw the poor kid out of the car at some random development he wanted to kill me.

Now on to Brandon his first two day's were half day's everything is going great for him he has already made some great friends which he is excited about and even mom made a friend atmeet the teacher day.

Devin started prescool he is officially a big boy he strapped on that diego backpack and put his katekord shoes on off he went see ya mom. I have never seen him so excited and happy. I stayed by the phone at home nervous that they would call and say he had an accident or he's screaming or he is just bieng Devin and telling someone to shutup you idiot. When I arrived at the school I looked through the door he still had that big smile on his face he ran up and hugged me I think he was the only one of my boy's to have this constant smile at school not be nervous and just think he was the shit......